Web SQL Database
Client-side databases using SQL
The Core Methods:
There are following three core methods defined in the spec that I.m going to cover in this tutorial:- openDatabase: This method creates the database object either using existing database or creating new one.
- transaction: This method give us the ability to control a transaction and performing either commit or rollback based on the situation.
- executeSql: This method is used to execute actual SQL query.
Opening Database:
The openDatabase method takes care of opening a database if it already exists, this method will create it if it already does not exist.To create and open a database, use the following code:
var database = openDatabase('msdb', '1.0', 'Web Sql Database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);
Above method took following five paramters:
- Database name
- Version number
- Text description
- Size of database
- Creation callback
Executing queries:
To execute a query you use the database.transaction() function. This function needs a single argument, which is a function that takes care of actually executing the query as follows:database.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Emp (ID UNIQUE,Name,Salary)'); });
INERT Operation:
To create enteries into the table we add simple SQL query in the above example as follows:database.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Emp (ID UNIQUE,Name,Salary)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (1,"A",40000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (2,"B",50000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (3,"C",20000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (4,"D",8000)'); });We can pass dynamic values while creating entering as follows:
database.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Emp (ID UNIQUE,Name,Salary)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp(ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (?, ?'), [5, "E",5000]; });Here ID,Name and Salary are external variables, and executeSql maps each item in the array argument to the "?"s.
READ Operation:
To read already existing records we use a callback to capture the results as follows:database.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Emp', [], function (t, results) { var l = results.rows.length, i; msg = "<p>Records: " + l + "</p>"; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML += msg; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { msg = "<p><b>" + results.rows.item(i).ID + " " + results.rows.item(i).Name + " " + results.rows.item(i).Salary + "</b></p>"; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML += msg; } }, null);
Full Download Example
Full code<!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <title>Web SQL Database</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var database = openDatabase('msdb', '1.0', 'Web Sql Database', 2 * 1024 * 1024); var msg; database.transaction(function (t) { //t.executeSql('DROP TABLE Emp'); t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Emp (ID UNIQUE,Name,Salary)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (1,"A",40000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (2,"B",50000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (3,"C",20000)'); t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (4,"D",8000)'); msg = '<p>Table created and record inserted.</p>'; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML = msg; }); database.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Emp', [], function (t, results) { var l = results.rows.length, i; msg = "<p>Records: " + l + "</p>"; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML += msg; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { msg = "<p><b>" + results.rows.item(i).ID + " " + results.rows.item(i).Name + " " + results.rows.item(i).Salary + "</b></p>"; document.querySelector('#status').innerHTML += msg; } }, null); }); </script> </head> <body> <h4> openDatabase</h4> <code>var database = openDatabase('msdb', '1.0', 'HTML5 Database', 2 * 1024 * 1024);</code> <h4> Executing queries</h4> <code>database.transaction(function (t) {<br /> t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Emp (ID UNIQUE,Name,Salary)');<br /> <br /> t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (1,"A",40000)');<br /> t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (2,"B",50000)');<br /> t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (3,"C",20000)');<br /> t.executeSql('INSERT INTO Emp (ID,Name,Salary) VALUES (4,"D",8000)');<br /> }); </code> <div id="status"> Status Message</div> </body> </html>
Web SQL Database
Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel
7:46 PM