What is the difference between the throw and throw ex statements in C#?

Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

Feature throw throw ex
Stack trace Preserves the original stack trace Resets the stack trace
Exception origin Shows the original method of exception throwing Shows the throw ex statement as the origin
Use case Rethrows the same exception Rethrows the ex exception (can be different)
Exception handling Requires explicit handling in a try...catch block May not require explicit handling (depends on context)
Location restriction Can be used anywhere in the code Generally discouraged outside try...catch blocks


  • When you use throw ex, you're essentially restarting the exception throwing process from the throw ex statement, essentially discarding the information about the original exception's origin. This can make debugging more difficult as you may not see the specific method where the error originated.
  • On the other hand, throw simply rethrows the existing exception without altering the stack trace. This retains valuable information about the exception's source and path, aiding in pinpointing the root cause.

Important caveats:

  • While throw ex typically doesn't require explicit exception handling like throw does, remember that throwing any unchecked exception from a method requires it to be either declared in the method's signature or handled within a try...catch block. Otherwise, you'll encounter a compilation error.
  • It's generally recommended to avoid using throw ex unnecessarily, as it can obfuscate the origin of exceptions and complicate debugging. Use throw to rethrow the same exception while preserving the original stack trace.
What is the difference between the throw and throw ex statements in C#? What is the difference between the throw and throw ex statements in C#? Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:50 PM Rating: 5