Login Page design with react and Bootstrap
import React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; import { Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Button, Alert } from "react-bootstrap"; function LoginPage() { const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = useState(false); const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(false); const handleLogin = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // Implement login logic here // For example, call an API to authenticate the user if (/* login successful */) { // Redirect to the home page window.location.href = "/"; } else { // Show an error alert setShowAlert(true); } }; return ( <div className="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center vh-100"> <div className="card border-0 shadow-lg rounded-lg w-400"> <div className="card-body p-5"> <h2 className="card-title text-center mb-4">Sign In</h2> <Form onSubmit={handleLogin}> <FormGroup className="mb-3"> <Label htmlFor="email">Email or Phone</Label> <Input type="email" id="email" placeholder="Enter your email or phone number" required /> </FormGroup> <FormGroup className="mb-3"> <Label htmlFor="password">Password</Label> <Input type={showPassword ? "text" : "password"} id="password" placeholder="Enter your password" required /> <Button variant="link" size="sm" onClick={() => setShowPassword(!showPassword)} > {showPassword ? "Hide Password" : "Show Password"} </Button> </FormGroup> <FormGroup className="d-flex justify-content-between mb-3"> <Button variant="primary" type="submit"> Sign In </Button> <a href="#">Forget Password?</a> </FormGroup> </Form> {showAlert && ( <Alert variant="danger" onClose={() => setShowAlert(false)}> Invalid email or password! </Alert> )} </div> </div> </div> ); } export default LoginPage;
Login Page design with react and Bootstrap
Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel
8:33 PM